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Editing New Invoices
Editing New Invoices
Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago


When you create a new invoice, it appears on the Invoices page in the New Invoices section. (See our article about creating an invoice to learn more.)

NOTE: The Invoicing feature is only available for testing companies.

New Invoices also appear on the Customer page in the Unpaid Invoices section with a Not invoiced status. 

1. From either page, you can edit the invoice by clicking the Edit Invoice icon for that item.

This takes you to the Edit Invoice page, which shows customer and assembly information, as well as associated line items. 

2. You can make several changes to the invoice. Click any of the links to go directly to the section below.

3. When you're done, save the invoice.

Add a Line Item to an Invoice

If more than one test is performed for a customer, Syncta automatically adds line items to one invoice. If an existing invoice exists for a customer, Syncta adds any new line items to that invoice. 

1. To add a blank line item, click Add Line Item.

2. Fill in the Quantity, Item Price and Description.

3. Check the Taxable box if this item is taxable; the Line Total and Total amount will be automatically calculated and adjusted.

4. If you use QuickBooks Online, fill in the Product information.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each line item that you want to add.

6. To add a Standard Invoice Item, select the standard item from the dropdown list, and then click Add Line Item. This automatically adds the Quantity, Item Price and Description for the line item.

NOTE: See our article about setting up Standard Invoice Line Items to learn more.

7. Change the Quantity and Description as needed.

8. Check the Taxable box if this item is taxable.

9. Add the Product for QuickBooks Online as applicable.

10. Repeat steps 6-9 for each Standard Invoice Item that you want to add.

11. Once you have added all of the line items for the invoice, use the arrows to the right of the line items to move them up or down as desired; the order that appears here will be the same order that appears on the PDF.

NOTE: If line items have the same description and price, they will be combined on the PDF only if you move these items next to each other on this page.

12. Fill in the following as needed:

  • Payment Terms: Select an option from the dropdown list.

  • Due Date: Select a due date, or we will automatically calculate it based on the Payment Terms selected and the date the invoice is marked as billed.

  • Invoiced Date: Select the date that the customer was sent an invoice; leave blank to let the system automatically calculate this date.

13. Click Update Invoice at the bottom of the page.

Edit Existing Line Items on an Invoice 

To change existing line items, simply edit the appropriate fields. Line Totals and Total Amounts are automatically calculated, so you must update the corresponding fields to make changes to them. 

For example, to update the Line Total, either update the Item Price or the Quantity.

Remove a Line Item From an Invoice

To remove a line item, click Remove.

Other Changes

Update any of the following fields as needed.

  • Location Work Performed At: Select a service location from the dropdown list at the top of the page. Only Service Locations for that customer are available in the dropdown list. 

  • Comments: Enter any comments related to the invoice.

  • Attachments: Attach any files related to the invoice, such as a copy of a work order.

  • Mark Invoice as Billed and Bill Invoice and Send Email: Click either of these buttons to take immediate action on the invoice. 

NOTE: Marking an invoice as billed does not automatically email the customer a copy of the invoice.

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