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Approving a Quote
Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago


Once a quote has been created, you can approve it, which changes it into a work order. You can approve a quote on the Quotes and Work Orders page, or directly on a Customer page. Click the applicable link to go to the desired section below:

NOTE: This feature is only available for testing companies.

Approve a Quote on the Quotes and Work Orders Page

1. Select Invoicing from the navigation menu, and then select Quotes & W/O

2. On the Quotes and Work Orders page, find the quote you want to approve in the Quotes section, and then click Approve & Schedule.

3. On the Schedule Tests page, enter information as desired:

  • Commit Date

  • Internal Comment

  • Price: Select a price from the dropdown list.

  • Tester: Select a tester from the dropdown list.

  • Route: Select the route that you want to add this quote to from the dropdown list.

4. Click Schedule Tests.

You return to the Quotes and Work Orders page.

The quote changes into a work order and now appears in the Work Orders section of this page and the Customer page. See our article about work orders to learn more.

Approve a Quote on the Customer Page

1. In the Quotes section on a Customer page, find the quote you want to approve, and then click Approve & Schedule.

2. On the Schedule Tests page, enter information as desired:

  • Commit Date

  • Internal Comment

  • Price: Select a price from the dropdown list.

  • Tester: Select a tester from the dropdown list.

  • Route: Select the route that you want to add this quote to from the dropdown list.

3. Click Schedule Tests.

You return to the Customer page.

The quote changes into a work order and now appears in the Work Orders section of this Customer page and the Quotes and Work Orders page. See our article about work orders to learn more.

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