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Work Orders

How to turn a work order into an invoice, revert it to a quote, and edit or delete it

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago


You can create a work order from any Customer page. Once that work order is created, you can turn it into an invoice, revert it back to a quote, approve it, edit or delete it, and email it to a customer. Click any of the following links to go directly to the applicable section below to learn more:

NOTE: This feature is only available for testing companies.

Create a Work Order

Once you create a quote, it can be easily approved, which turns it into a work order.

1. On the Customer page, scroll to the Invoices section, and then the Quotes section.
2. Find the quote you want to turn into a work order and click Approve & Schedule next to it.  

The quote changes into a work order and now appears in the Work Orders section of the Customer page. Once the work is complete, you can approve the work order, as described below.

Approve a Work Order

Once a work order has been created, you can approve it, which turns it into an invoice. Find the work order that you want to approve in the Work Orders section, and then click Mark as Completed.

The work order changes to an invoice and appears in the Unpaid Invoices section.

Revert a Work Order to a Quote

Any work order can be changed back into a quote. Find the work order you want to revert to a quote in the Work Orders section, and then click Return to Quote.

The work order changes back into a quote and appears again in the Quotes section. See our article about quotes to learn more.

View a Work Order

Find the work order you want to view in the Work Orders section, and then click the Show Work Order icon.

Edit or Delete a Work Order

Find the work order you want to edit or delete in the Work Orders section, and then click the Edit Work Order or Delete Work Order icon.

Email a Work Order

You can email a PDF copy of a work order to yourself or to a customer. 

1. Find the work order you want to email, and then click the Email to me icon or the Email to customer icon. 

2. When the popup appears, click OK to continue. 

The following confirmation message appears at the top of the page if the work order was successfully emailed.

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