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Using the Search Page

How to find information in Syncta

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago


Syncta allows you to easily search your database of customers and assemblies by entering any information you remember, such as a partial address or customer name. For example, 123 Main Street or Janet. 

You can also search for information using a variety of filters, including: 

  • Water purveyor

  • City

  • Street address

  • Assemblies

  • Status of assemblies and service locations

  • Customers

  • Tests

  • Tests that have not been scheduled yet

  • Last tested date

  • Next test due date

  • Service locations

  • Invoices (testing companies only)

  • Surveys (purveyors only)

Using Partial Information to Search

If you only remember some information about a customer, assembly, address, etc., you can still find what you're looking for using Search. For example, let's say you remember the name of a street address, but not much else. Here's how you to find what you need. 

1. Click in the Search area at the top of any page in Syncta.

2. Type in what you remember (such as Allen Blvd) and press [Enter] on your keyboard.

The search results show any addresses listed on Allen Blvd.

Using Filters to Search

To search using specific filters, such as by water purveyor, customer, notification month, etc., use the following instructions. 

1. Click the magnifying glass at the top of any page in Syncta.

2. Select an option as desired from the Results Type dropdown list:

  • Assemblies

  • Customers

  • Tests

  • Service Locations

  • Invoices (testing companies only)

NOTE: Purveyors will also see a Surveys option.

3. Refine your search using the following filters:

  • Water Purveyor: Select a water purveyor from the dropdown list; leave blank for all.

  • City: Type the name of the city for which you want to view results. 

  • Street Address: Type the name and/or number of a street address.

NOTE: This can be useful if you want to schedule assemblies on a specific street on the same day.

  • Notification Month: If you select Assemblies, select the Notification Month that reflects the month you send customer notifications; leave Any to search for all notification months.

NOTE: This uses the Notification Month you selected on the Assembly page.

  • Status: If you select Assemblies or Service Locations, select Active or Inactive to search for assemblies or service locations that are active/inactive. Select Removed or Replaced to search for assemblies that have been removed or replaced.

NOTE: Select Any to search for any assemblies or service locations, regardless of their status. This will only appear if you selected Assemblies or Service Locations.

  • Remove Assemblies With Scheduled Test: Check this box if you only want to see assemblies that do not have tests scheduled yet.

4. Select one of the following options from the Test Yearly dropdown list:

  • Yes: Search for tests that must be tested annually.

  • No: Search for tests that do not need to be tested annually.

  • Any: Search for all tests, regardless of whether or not they need to be tested annually.

5. Check Display results on map to see your search results on a map.
6. Select one of the following options from the Include Deleted Records dropdown list:

  • No: Do not include deleted records in your search.

  • Yes: Include deleted records in addition to active records in your search.

  • Only Deleted: Only include deleted records in your search.

7. Select one of the following options from the Winterized dropdown list: All, Non-winterizing customers only, or Winterizing customers only.

8. Fill in the following as needed:

  • Last Tested Date: Select the date range for which you want to view last tested results.

  • Next Test Due Date: Select the date range for which you want to view next test due date results.

9. When you are finished selecting your search filters, click Refresh

The search results display below, as shown in the following example.

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