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Adding and Updating Gauges

How to add, edit or delete gauges, and how to set a default gauge

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago

Real-Time Training:  Want to add gauge information now instead of reading about how to do it? Depending on your user role, click the button below to add gauge information using our live step-by-step walk through.


This article shows you how to add, edit, or delete a gauge, including how to add or change the gauge's calibration date. Click on the applicable link to go to the section below:

Add a Gauge

1. Select Administration from the navigation menu, and then select Gauges

2. On the Manage Tester's Gauges page, click Add Gauge to add a new gauge.

3. Select the Tester (Technician) who will use this gauge from the dropdown list.

4. Fill in the Serial, Manufacturer, Model, and Calibration Date; the Calibration Expiration Date automatically updates a year from the calibration date that you entered.
5. Click Create Gauge.

Edit or Delete a Gauge

You can also Edit or Delete an existing gauge by clicking the Edit or Delete icons to the right of a gauge on the Gauges List page.

Set a Default Gauge

1. To set a default gauge for a tester, select Administration from the navigation menu, and then select Users

2. In the User List section, click the Edit User icon next to the tester for whom you want to set a default gauge. 

3. On the Manage Company Users page, scroll down to the Your Gauges section.
4. Select an option from the Default Gauge dropdown list. This will be the gauge that is automatically selected for that tester. 

5. When you are finished, click Update User at the bottom of the page.

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