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Adding and Updating Test Prices
Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago

Real-Time Training: Want to add test prices now instead of reading about how to do it? Launch our live step-by-step walk through to add test prices now.

1. Select Administration from the navigation menu, and then select Test Prices

2. On the Manage Company Test Prices page, click Add Test Price.

3. On the Add Test Price page, fill in the following information:

  • Add a Name (such as Standard, Commercial, Residential).

  • Include a Price for this test option.

  • If you use the Customer Portal and you want this option to be displayed to users, select a Portal Order from the dropdown list; otherwise, leave this option blank.

  • If you want to display this pricing option on the Customer Portal, add a Portal Description that will display with the price.

  • Add a Comment for your own internal reference.

  • If you are using the Customer Portal, check Test Yearly to auto-enroll customers with this price to be tested every year.

  • Click Yes as the Default if you want this option to be the default price.

NOTE: You can only designate one test price as the default. If you have already designated another test price as the default, you will see an error in the next step.

4. When you are finished, click Create Test price.

Edit or Delete a Test Price

You can also Edit or Delete existing pricing options by clicking the icons on the right side of the Manage Company Test Prices page.

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