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Creating a Route

How to create a route to test assemblies, conduct surveys, or do both

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago

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Create a Test Route

This article shows testing companies and water purveyors how to create a route to test assemblies, and shows purveyors how to create a route to conduct surveys, and/or test assemblies.

NOTE: A test (or survey for purveyors) must first be scheduled before it can be added to a route. See our article about Scheduling Tests to learn more.

1. To create a test route, select Routes from the navigation menu.

2. On the Routes page, click Create Route at the top of the page. 

3. Enter a Route Name and assign it to a Tester by selecting a name from the dropdown list.

4. Select the following filters as desired:

  • Filter by commit date: To see stops by scheduled commit dates, select an option from the dropdown list; leave All to see all stops.

  • Filter by water purveyor: To see stops assigned to a specific purveyor, select an option from the dropdown list; leave All to see stops for all purveyors.

  • Filter by type: To filter stops by Tests or Retests, select an option from the dropdown list; leave All to see all stops.

Note: Purveyors will also see Surveys in this list.

5. Add stops to a route by clicking on the map pin or by dragging and dropping a test from the list of Available Stops to the Selected Stops for Route section.

6. Do one of the following:

  • Choose the order in which you want to perform the tests by moving addresses up or down in the Selected Stops for Route section.

  • Organize stops in the most efficient driving order by clicking Optimize Route

7. Do one of the following:

  • If you are not done setting up this route and want to finish it up later, click Create Route.

  • If you are finished setting up this route, click Ready To Test.

You return to the Routes page, which shows a confirmation message that the route was created. The new route is also added to the My Routes section. 

NOTE: If you did not click Ready to Test in the previous step, you will see Mark Ready for the route you created.

See our article about testing assemblies on a route to learn more.

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