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Notification Template Computed Values
Notification Template Computed Values

Information and definitions of the computed values used in notifications

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago


Use this article as a reference point when creating notification templates and you want to insert computed values for personalized messages. 

These values can be used in the subject of an email and in the body of an email or paper notification. These placeholders will be replaced by the respective values when the notification is generated and sent to the recipient. Click on any of the following links to go directly to that section below:


These values relate to your company, as set up in the Company Options.

  • {{company.address_block}}   =   Complete physical address in block format

  • {{company.address_line}}   =   Complete physical address in one continuous line

  • {{company.customer_portal_link_button}}   =   This is your unique Customer Portal URL in a button format 

  • {{company.customer_portal_sign_in_link_button}}   = This is the sign in page for your unique Customer Portal URL 

  • {{}}   = Email address 

  • {{company.logo}}   = Logo image 

  • {{}}   =   Company name

  • {{}}   =   Company phone number

  • {{company.portal_tagline}}   =   This tagline is set up in the Portal Options 

  • {{company.portal_url}} =   This is your unique Customer Portal URL

  • {{company.tester_portal_link_button}} = For water purveyors, this is your unique Submission Portal URL in a button format

Parent Customer

These values relate to your parent customer records in the database.

  • {{parent_customer.account_number}} = This relates to a custom field for parent customers called Account Number

  • {{parent_customer.address_block}} = Complete physical address of the parent customer in block format

  • {{parent_customer.address_city}} = City where the parent customer address is located

  • {{parent_customer.address_line}} = Complete physical address of the parent customer in one continuous line

  • {{parent_customer.address_line1}} = Address line 1 of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.address_line2}} = Address line 2 of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.address_state}} = State where the parent customer address is located

  • {{parent_customer.address_zip}} = Zip/postal code of the parent customer address

  • {{parent_customer.available_address}} =

  • {{parent_customer.class_names}} =

  • {{parent_customer.comment}} = Shows comments entered in the parent customer record

  • {{parent_customer.contact_person}} = Name of the contact person in the parent customer record

  • {{parent_customer.default_sl_contact_person}} = Name of the contact person for the service location related to this parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.device_count}} = This will display the total number of assemblies that have been added to a notification batch for a specific parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.devices}} = This is a list of all backflow assemblies for a specific parent customer that have been added to a notification batch. It needs to be used like in the example below:

{% for device in parent_customer.devices %}
Device Serial Number: {{device.serial}}
Device Location: {{device.location}}
Last Tested Date: {{device.last_tested_at}}
{% endfor %}

  • {{}} = Email address of the parent customer

  • {{}} = Name of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.notification_preference}} = This relates to a custom field called Notification Preference

  • {{parent_customer.parent_customer}} = Name of the parent customer's parent customer (if applicable)

  • {{}} = Phone number of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.phone2}} = Phone number 2 of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.portal_login_email}} = Parent customer's email address used for logging into the portal

  • {{parent_customer.portal_user?}} = True or false value representing whether or not the parent customer is enrolled in the portal. It is often used like the following example:

{% if parent_customer.portal_user? == true %}
You can login to the portal using {{parent_customer.portal_login_email}}
{% endif %}

  • {{parent_customer.portal_service_locations}} = This can be used to loop through the service locations for a parent customer.

  • {{parent_customer.test_yearly?}} = True or false value representing if the parent customer is marked as test yearly for auto testing.

    {% if parent_customer.test_yearly? == true %}
    You are set up for our auto-test program each year.
    {% endif %}

  • {{parent_customer.tests}} = This is a list of all tests for the specific assemblies that have been added to a notification batch for a parent customer. It needs to be used like in the following example:

    {% for test in parent_customer.tests %}
    Commit Date: {{test.commit_date}}
    Price: {{test.price}}
    {% parent_customer.tests %}

Parent Customer - Purveyor Only

These parent customer values are only for water purveyors.

  • {{parent_customer.mailing_address_block}} = Complete mailing address of the parent customer in block format

  • {{parent_customer.mailing_address_city}} = Mailing address city of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.mailing_address_line}} = Complete mailing address of the parent customer in one continuous line

  • {{parent_customer.mailing_address_line1}} = Mailing address line 1 of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.mailing_address_line2}} = Mailing address line 2 of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.mailing_address_name}} = Name of the parent customer mailing address

  • {{parent_customer.mailing_address_state}} = Mailing address state of the parent customer

  • {{parent_customer.mailing_address_zip}} = Mailing zip/postal code of the parent customer


These values relate to your customer records in the database.

  • {{customer.account_number}} = This relates to a custom field for customers called Account Number

  • {{customer.address_block}}   =   Complete physical address in block format

  • {{customer.address_city}}   =   City where the customer address is located

  • {{customer.address_line}}   =   Complete physical address in one continuous line

  • {{customer.address_line 1}}   =   Address line 1

  • {{customer.address_line 2}}   =   Address line 2

  • {{customer.address_state}}   =   State where the customer address is located

  • {{customer.address_zip}}   =   Zip/postal code of the customer address

  • {{customer.available_address}} =

  • {{customer.class_names}} =

  • {{customer.comment}} = Displays text entered in the Comment field of a Customer page

  • {{customer.contact_person}}   =   Name of the contact person in the customer record

  • {{customer.default_sl_contact_person}}   =   Name of the contact person for the service location related to this customer

  • {{customer.device_count}}   =   This will display the total number of assemblies that have been added to a notification batch for a specific customer

  • {{customer.devices}}   =   This is a list of all backflow assemblies for a specific customer that have been added to a notification batch. It needs to be used like in the example below:

         {% for device in customer.devices %}
        Device Serial Number: {{device.serial}}
        Device Location: {{device.location}}
        Last Tested Date: {{device.last_tested_at}}
        {% endfor %}

  • {{}}   =   Email address of the customer

  • {{}} = Full name

  • {{customer.notification_preference}} = This relates to a custom field called Notification Preference

  • {{customer.parent_customer}} = Name of related parent customer (if applicable)

  • {{}} = Phone number 1

  • {{customer.phone2}} = Phone number 2

  • {{customer.portal_login_email}} = Customer's email address used for logging into the customer portal

  • {{customer.portal_user?}} = True or false value representing whether or not the customer is enrolled in the portal. It is often used like the following example:

{% if customer.portal_user? == true %}
You can login to the portal using {{customer.portal_login_email}}
{% endif %}

  • {{customer.service_locations}} = This can be used to loop through the service locations for a customer.

  • {{customer.test_yearly?}} = True or false value representing if the customer is marked as test yearly for auto testing. It is can be used like the following example:

{% if customer.test_yearly? == true %}
You are set up for our auto-test program each year.
{% endif %}

  • {{customer.tests}} = This is a list of all tests for the specific assemblies that have been added to a notification batch. It needs to be used like in the following example:

{% for test in customer.tests %}
Commit Date: {{test.commit_date}}
Price: {{test.price}}
{% customer.tests %}

Customer - Purveyor Only

These customer values are only for water purveyors.

  • {{customer.mailing_address_block}} = Complete customer mailing address in block format

  • {{customer.mailing_address_city}} = City where the customer's mailing address is located

  • {{customer.mailing_address_line}} = Complete customer mailing address in one continuous line

  • {{customer.mailing_address_line1}} = Mailing address line 1

  • {{customer.mailing_address_line2}} = Mailing address line 2

  • {{customer.mailing_address_name}} = Name of customer mailing address

  • {{customer.mailing_address_state}} = Mailing address state

  • {{customer.mailing_address_zip}} = Mailing address zip/postal code


  • These values use the Mailing Address fields on the Customer page.

    Customer Page Mailing Address Fields

  • If the Service Location Mailing Address is also filled in, these notification values will use the Service Location Mailing Address fields instead of the Customer Mailing Address fields.

    Add Service Location Mailing Address

    Service Location Page Mailing Address Fields


These values relate to the customer's assembly records in the database. 

  • {{device.address_block}}   =   Complete physical address in block format

  • {{device.address_city}}   =   City where the assembly is located

  • {{device.address_line}}   =   Complete physical address in one continuous line

  • {{device.address_line1}}   =   Assembly address line 1

  • {{device.address_line2}}   =   Assembly address line 2

  • {{device.address_state}}   =   State where the assembly is located

  • {{device.address_zip}} = Zip/postal code where the assembly is located

  • {{device.class_names}} =

  • {{device.commit_date_for_latest_test}} = Commit date set to test this assembly

  • {{device.customer}}   =   Name of the customer related to this assembly  

  • {{device.deviceid}} = This relates to a custom field called Device ID

  • {{device.downstream_process}} = This relates to a custom field called Downstream process

  • {{device.hazard_type}} = Shows the hazard type for this assembly (purveyors only)

  • {{device.last_test_price}}   =   Price of the last test performed for that assembly; it will be blank if it has not been tested previously

  • {{device.last_tested_at}}   =   Date the assembly was last tested; it will be blank if there is no last tested date in the system

  • {{device.location}}   =   Assembly Location field, not the address 

  • {{device.make}}   =   Manufacturer of the assembly

  • {{device.model}}   =   Model of the assembly

  • {{device.next_test_due}} = Date assembly is due to be tested; it will be blank if it has not been tested previously

  • {{device.next_test_due_spelled_out}} = Shows date spelled out that assembly is due to be tested

  • {{device.notification_month}}   =   Notification month that you want to send reminders for this assembly

  • {{device.requires_appointment?}}   =   This is a True or False value stating whether or not the assembly requires an appointment. An example of how to use this is:

      {% if device.requires_appointment? == true %}
      One of more of your assemblies require an appointment, please contact us.
      {% endif %}

  • {{device.serial}}   =   Serial number of the assembly

  • {{device.service_location}} = Displays the address of the service location related to this assembly

  • {{device.size}}   =   Size of the assembly

  • {{device.syncta_id}} = Syncta ID of the assembly

  • {{device.test_due_date}}   = Date this assembly is due to be tested

  • {{device.testing_frequency}}   = Testing frequency, such as annually, quarterly, etc.

  • {{device.tests}}   =   This can be used to loop through the tests for an assembly

        {% for test in device.tests %}      Commit Date: {{test.commit_date}}              
       Price: {{test.price}}      {% device.tests %}

  • {{device.type}}   =   Assembly type

  • {{device.water_purveyor_name}}   =   Name of the water purveyor set on the assembly


These values relate to a past or present test for an assembly. 

  • {{test.batch}} = Refers to a custom field called Test Batch

  • {{test.check1}} = Displays tight or leaked for Check #1

  • {{test.check1_psi}} = Displays PSI of Check #1

  • {{test.class_names}} =

  • {{test.comment}} = Displays text entered in the Report Comments field of the Perform Test page. These comments will appear on the PDF test report.

  • {{test.commit_date}}   =   Commit date set for the test

  • {{test.device_status}} = Displays one of five assembly statuses: existing, new, replacement, removed, or repaired

  • {{test.due_date}} = If test failed, shows retest due date entered by tester

  • {{test.gauge_name}} = Shows the gauge's manufacturer and serial number

  • {{test.internal_comment}} = Shows internal comments entered for company reference

  • {{test.line_pressure}} = Displays line pressure if entered

  • {{test.meter_reading}} = Refers to a custom field called Meter Reading

  • {{test.price}}   = Price set for the test

  • {{test.retest_check1}} = Displays tight or leaked for the retest of Check #1

  • {{test.retest_check1_psi}} = Displays retest PSI of Check #1

  • {{test.retest_gauge_name}} = Shows the gauge's manufacturer and serial number

  • {{test.retest_meter_reading}} = Displays retest line pressure if entered

  • {{test.retest_result}} = Shows Passed or Failed for retest results

  • {{test.retest_tested_at}} = Date the retest was completed

  • {{test.retest_tester_name}} = Name of retester and default certification number if available

  • {{test.retest_tester_phone_number}} = Shows phone number of retester

  • {{test.shutoff_valve}} = Shows tight or leaked

  • {{test.status}}   =   Status of the test. For example, Submitted, Pending Test, etc.

  • {{test.submitted_at}}   =   Date the test was submitted to the water purveyor

  • {{test.tested_at}}   =   Date the test was performed

  • {{test.tester_name}}   =   Name of the person who performed the test

  • {{test.tester_phone_number}} = Shows phone number of tester

  • {{test.updated_due_date}} = Shows updated due date for test if available


These values relate to invoices for testing companies. 

  • {{invoice.amount}}   =   Total amount of the invoice

  • {{invoice.class_names}} =

  • {{invoice.created_at}}   =   Date that the invoice was created   

  • {{}}   =   Date that the customer was invoiced (the Invoiced Date field on the Invoice)

  • {{}}   =   Reference number of the invoice

  • {{invoice.pay_invoice_link_button}}   =   One-time link for a customer to make a payment for this invoice

  • {{invoice.service_location}}   =   References Location Work Performed At field on the Invoice page

Service Location

These values relate to a service location. 

  • {{service_location.account.number}} = This relates to a custom field called Service Location Account Number

  • {{service_location.address_block}}   =   Complete physical address in block format

  • {{service_location.address_line}}   =   Complete physical address in one continuous line

  • {{service.location.address_line_1}} = Service location address line 1

  • {{service_location.class_names}} =

  • {{service_location.contact_name}}   =   Name of the the service location

  • {{service_location.contact_phone}}   =   Phone number of the contact person for the service location

  • {{service_location.customer_name}} = Associated customer's name

  • {{service_location.customer_name_and_address}} =   Associated customer's name and address

  • {{service_location.devices}} = This can be used to loop through the assemblies at this service location.

  • {{service_location.last_surveyed_at}}   =   Displays date indicated in the Last Surveyed At field for a service location

  • {{service_location.nickname}} = Nickname of service location; this will not appear on test reports

  • {{service_location.tests}}   =   This can be used to loop through the tests at this service location.

  • {{service_location.water_purveyor_name}}   =   Name of the water purveyor set at the service location


These values relate to surveys performed by water purveyors. 

  • {{survey.class_names}} =

  • {{survey.customer}} = Customer name related to this survey

  • {{survey.facility_representative_name}} = This relates to a custom field called Representative Name

  • {{survey.hazards}}   =   This can be used to loop through the hazards in a survey. It can be used like in the following example:

    {% if survey.hazards == empty %}
    No hazard Found

       {% else %}

       {% for hazard in survey.hazards %}

       Hazard Type: {{hazard.type}}

       Hazard Location: {{hazard.location}}

       Comment: {{hazard.comment}}

       {% endfor %}

       {% endif %}

  • {{survey.inspector}}   =   Name of the person who performed this survey

  • {{survey.inspector_phone_number}} = Phone number of inspector who performed this survey

  • {{survey.location_type}}   =   Name of the location type related to this survey

  • {{survey.report_comment}}   =   Includes comments that will appear on a test report related to this survey

  • {{survey.service_location}}   =   Displays the address of the service location where the survey was performed

  • {{survey.surveyed_at}}   =   Date the survey was conducted

  • {{survey.total_number_of_deficiencies}}   =   Number of deficiencies identified in a survey


These values relate to hazards identified by water purveyors. 

  • {{hazard.class_names}} =

  • {{hazard.comment}}   =   Shows the Comment field for a hazard listed in a survey

  • {{hazard.location}}   =   Description of where the hazard is located

  • {{hazard.resolution_due_date}}   =   Date the deficiency needs to be resolved by

  • {{hazard.status}}   = Status of the hazard. For example, Deficiency, Deficiency Resolved, No Deficiency

  • {{hazard.type}}   = Type of hazard indicated on the survey

Survey Deficiency

These values relate to survey deficiencies identified by water purveyors.

  • {{survey_deficiency.batch}} = Related to a custom field called Survey Deficiency Batch

  • {{survey_deficiency.class_names}} =

  • {{survey_deficiency.customer}} = Customer name related to this survey deficiency

  • {{survey_deficiency.due_at}} = Date the deficiency must be resolved

  • {{survey_deficiency.due_at_spelled_out}} = Shows date spelled out that the survey deficiency is due

  • {{survey_deficiency.facility_representative_name}} = This relates to a custom field called Representative Name

  • {{survey_deficiency.hazard}} = Hazard identified by the survey inspector in the Hazard Type field on the Surveys page

  • {{survey_deficiency.inspector}} = Name of the inspector on the survey where the deficiency was identified/created

  • {{survey_deficiency.inspector_phone_number}} = Phone number of the inspector on the survey where the deficiency was identified/created

  • {{survey_deficiency.location_type}} = Shows the Location Type field on the Surveys page that was selected by the inspector. For example, Home, Medical, Manufacturing Plant, etc.

  • {{survey_deficiency.report_comment}} = Displays text entered in the Comment field on the Surveys page by the inspector

  • {{survey_deficiency.service_location}} = Service location address where survey deficiency was found

  • {{survey_deficiency.status}} = Shows status of deficiency: No Deficiency, Deficiency, or Deficiency Resolved

  • {{survey_deficiency.survey}} =

  • {{survey_deficiency.surveyed_at}} = Date the survey was conducted at this service location

  • {{survey_deficiency.updated_due_date}} = Date the survey needs to be resolved by

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