We offer a range of user roles as a means for business owners to limit how their employees interact with the application. Users can be added on the Manage Company Users page. See our article about adding new users to learn more.
NOTE: If you are a water purveyor and want to add external users who will use your submission portal, see our article about external user roles to learn more.
This is an ideal role for the business owner who also happens to be a backflow prevention tester.
They can manage every aspect of the application, from editing customers to entering test results for assemblies.
An admin is the only user that can add users and change user roles.
This is exactly what you might expect — mostly field work related directly to testing. Technicians can:
Create, update, and search for customers, assemblies, and service locations. They can perform, edit and schedule tests (or surveys for purveyors), but they cannot submit them to water purveyors.
Create routes, be assigned to routes, and complete routes
View water purveyor information, but cannot edit it
Not delete customers, assemblies, and service locations
Not access the notifications, data reports, and invoicing pages
Technician - Limited
Same as the Technician role above, with two exceptions:
They can only see routes that are assigned to them on the Routes page
They can see a route that is not assigned to them only if a test in that route is assigned to them
They can only see tests (or surveys for purveyors) assigned to them on the Pending Tests page (or Pending Surveys page for purveyors)
Technician - Contract
If you have testers that you want to use Syncta but only give them access to limited information, you can assign them the technician contract user role. Contract technicians can:
Only see routes that are assigned to them on the Routes page
Only see appointments that are assigned to them on the Appointments page
Only see tests (or surveys for purveyors) assigned to them on the Pending Tests page (or Pending Surveys page for purveyors)
View customers, service locations, and assemblies that are associated with tests (or surveys for purveyors) on routes to which they are currently assigned
View and edit customer, service location, and assembly information for a scheduled test (or scheduled survey for purveyors) of an assembly that is on their assigned route
NOTE: This role is not the same as the technician role assigned to external users who use a water purveyor's submission portal. See our article about external user roles to learn more.
Office roles can edit, view, and delete customers, assemblies, gauges, test prices, routes, tests, billing, and water purveyor submissions. Office users can:
Schedule tests, create routes, schedule appointments, and enter test results on behalf of technicians.
Create and send notification batches
Create and send invoices, including past due notices
Not add, edit or remove users
Office - Limited
This is a great role for someone like an outside user, such as an accountant that wants to view invoicing, but has limited access to changing Admin options. Limited Office users can:
Create and send invoices, including past due notices
Manage customers and assemblies: create, edit, and delete routes and tests
Schedule tests from a Customer page
These users do not have access to administration, data reports or notifications.
Read Only
This allows the user to view all aspects of the application without being able to edit or delete anything.