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Reviewing Completed Surveys

How water purveyors can review submitted surveys

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago

Real-Time Training: Want to review a survey now instead of reading about how to do it? Click below to approve or deny surveys using our live step-by-step walk throughs.


Any surveys that have been marked as complete can be reviewed and approved individually, or they can be approved as a group. Completed surveys can also be edited or denied, and a group of selected surveys can be saved together as one PDF or emailed to customers.

Review a Survey for One Customer

1. On the Dashboard, click Surveys in the Need To Review section.

2. In the Pending Review section of the Review Surveys page, find the service location related to the survey you want to review.

3. Do one of the following:

  • Approve: Click to approve this survey; this now appears in the Completed Surveys section of this Customer page.

  • Edit: Click the Survey Now icon (see image in step 2) to update survey results as desired on the Edit Survey page, and then click Complete Survey. When you are finished, you return to the Review Surveys page, where you can approve this survey.  

  • Deny: Click if you do not approve this survey, which moves it to the Review Exception section of this page. See Reviewing Exceptions below for information about how to handle exceptions. 

4. Repeat steps 2-3 for each individual survey that you want to review.

Review a Group of Surveys

Reviewing a group of surveys is similar to reviewing an individual survey. 

1. On the Dashboard, click Surveys in the Need To Review section.

2. In the Pending Review section, check the box next to each service location's survey that you want to review.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Pending Review section and then do one of the following:

  • Approve Selected: Click to approve the selected surveys; these now appear in the Completed Surveys section of each Customer page.

  • Deny Selected: Click if you do not approve the selected surveys, which moves them into the Review Exception section of this page. See "Reviewing Exceptions" below for information about how to handle exceptions. 

NOTE: You can't edit a group of surveys. See the section above for more information about editing an individual survey.

Download Selected Surveys as PDFs

1. To download multiple survey PDFs into one file, check the box next to each survey that you want to download.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the Pending Review section, and then click Download Selected PDFs

The report will be saved as a "combined reports" PDF in the Downloads folder on your desktop.

Send Selected Surveys to Customers

1. To email selected surveys to customers, check the box next to each survey that you want to send.

NOTE: If you see a red envelope next to the customer name, they do not have an email on file. You can save a survey as a PDF and mail a hard copy to the customer. See the section above for more information.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the Pending Review section, and then click Send Selected Surveys To Customer.

Review Exceptions

Any completed surveys that were denied (rejected) are moved to the Review Exception section on the Review Surveys page. Similar to the Pending Review section, you can Edit (see step 2 in first section of this article) or Approve a survey in this section. You can also click the Delete icon to permanently delete a survey. 

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