Real-Time Training: Want to resolve a survey deficiency now instead of reading about how to do it? Launch our live step-by-step walk through to get started.
If an inspector conducts a survey and identifies a deficiency, you will need to edit the survey to resolve that deficiency. For example, let's say an inspector identifies a sprinkler system on a new property that requires a new backflow prevention assembly. This deficiency would be considered resolved once a new assembly has been installed. You can resolve a deficiency starting from the Dashboard or from the related Customer page. Click one of these links to go to the applicable section below:
Resolve a Deficiency Starting From the Dashboard
1. In the Surveys section of the Dashboard, click Outstanding Deficiencies.
2. On the Deficiencies page, select any of the following filters to refine your search results:
Last Notification Sent: Use this to filter by the last notification that you sent.
Hazard Type: To filter deficiencies by hazard type, select an option from the dropdown list; leave the default to include all hazard types.
Water Purveyor: To filter deficiencies by water purveyor, select an option from the dropdown list; leave blank to include all purveyors.
Due Date Between: To filter outstanding deficiencies by the Due Date field, enter that date/date range here; leave blank to include all due dates.
3. Click Filter to see your results.
4. Find the survey related to the deficiency that you want to resolve, and then click Edit.ย
5. On the Survey Deficiencies page, do the following:
Status: Select Deficiency Resolved from the dropdown list.
Resolution Notes: Add notes about what was done to resolve this deficiency.
6. Click Update Deficiency.
This survey deficiency moves to the Resolved Deficiencies section on the Deficiencies page.
Resolve a Deficiency Starting From a Customer Page
1. Open the Customer page related to the deficiency that you want to resolve.
2. Scroll to the Deficiencies section, and then find the Outstanding Deficiencies section.
3. Click Edit next to the deficiency you want to resolve.
4. On the Survey Deficiencies page, fill in the following:
Status: Select Deficiency Resolved from the dropdown list.
Resolution Notes: Add notes about what was done to resolve this deficiency.
5. Click Update Deficiency.
This survey deficiency moves to the Completed Deficiencies section on this customer's page.