If you submitted a test report to the water purveyor using SynctaOne and receive this message, it means there is another assembly in the water purveyor's system with the same serial number. You need to either correct the serial number in your system to match that of the water purveyor, or add the related Syncta ID, and then resubmit the test.
Fix the Error
1. To find a "problem submission" test report, select Tests from the navigation menu, and then select Problem Submissions.
NOTE: You can also click the Submissions with Problems button in the Submissions section on the Dashboard.
2. On the Problem Submissions page, click Review Problems next to the submission you want to review.
3. On the Water Purveyor Submission page, scroll to the Problem Submissions section to review the test details.
4. Click Edit Test to open the test results.
5. At the top of the Perform Test page, click Edit Assembly.
6. Update the Serial or Water Purveyor Syncta ID field; if you do not know this information, contact the water purveyor.
7. Once one of these fields has been updated, click Update Assembly.
8. You return to the Perform Test page; click Save Test to save your results.
9. You return to the Water Purveyor Submission page; click Resubmit to Purveyor to send the updated results.
10. When the confirmation message appears, click OK to continue.
If the submission is successful, you will see it in the Tests in this submission section on this page. Otherwise, it will reflect any problem on the Problem Submission page.