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Creating a Notification Template

How to set up new templates or edit existing templates

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over 2 months ago

By default, we have set up some templates for you to use. These templates can be used for email or printed notifications. This article can help if you need to make any changes to an existing template or create a new one.

1. Select Administration from the navigation menu, and then select Templates.

2. Do one of the following:

  • To create a new template, click +Template.

  • To edit an existing template, click the Edit icon for that template.

3. On the New or Edit Template page, fill in the following information:

  • Template Name: Add a name for easy reference; this will not be seen by the customer.

  • Email Subject: If this is for email notifications, enter a subject for the email. If this is for paper notifications, you can enter the same name as the Template Name above; this field is not used on paper notifications.

  • Increase Due Date By The Following Number of Days: If you want to push out the original due date of this notification by a certain number of days after sending it, add the number of days here. When the notification record is completed, the due date will increase by the number of days you enter in this field. For example, if you want to give the customer an additional 30 days to have their assembly tested after you send them this notification, enter 30 in this field. When the notification is completed for the selected record, it will add 30 days to the original due date. This will help remind you again 30 days after the original due date to send them another notice if they still have not resolved the issue. Enter 0 if you do not want the due date to change.

4. In the Email And Letter Body section, add the body text, images, and computed values that will be used in email and printed notifications.

  • To refine the look and feel of the template using different style and formatting options, see our Notification Template Style Options article for detailed information and examples.

  • To add computed values, such as {{}}, that can be used to personalize notifications for individual customers, see our Notification Template Computed Values article for detailed information and examples.

5. If you want to insert an image in this template, do the following:

  • Click the Picture icon.

  • In the popup, click Choose Files.

  • Select the image you want to insert, and then click Open.

    The image is inserted in the template.

NOTE: To reduce the image size, click on the lower right corner of the image and drag the arrows with your cursor until you reach the size you want.


Images copied or inserted here cannot exceed a total of 10 MB for two reasons:

  • Anything above this size will cause this page to freeze and you won't be able to make any changes.

  • Most customer email servers block files above 10MB. If the email is not blocked, it might show a string of characters that will make no sense to your customers.

6. Do one of the following:

  • If you are creating a new template and want to add an attachment, go to step 7.

  • If you are updating an existing template and want to add an attachment, go to step 8.

  • If you do not want to add an attachment, go to step 9.

7. Complete the following:

  • Click Create Template at the bottom of the page.

  • On the Templates page, click the Edit icon to re-open this template. Go to step 8.

8. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and then drag and drop the image or document that you want to upload in the Upload Attachments box; you can also click in the box to select the file you want to upload.

9. When you are finished, click Create Template or Update Template at the bottom of the page.

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